Tuesday, October 4, 2016


There is little American mainstream media coverage of increasing global warming and its numerous, profound negative impacts.
Koch brothers dirty money protest outside the City of London
offices of Koch Industries, which funds American proponents
of Climate Change Denial. The second biggest privately owned
corporation in the USA, it is controlled by the Koch brothers,
and also funds the Tea Party movement.
The lack of coverage is because global warming has been long “politicized” by the fossil industries, their billionaire owner/shareholder activists and the Republican Party for more than two decades. It is made to seem like a question of political beliefs rather than the continuous accumulation scientific evidence. The American public has been increasingly inundated with outright lies about the compelling evidence (since 1988) of global warming and its primary causation being human activity - and by many forms of more subtle misinformation.
This misinformation is designed by public relations experts to manipulate public opinion -  at least from 1993 when the Clinton Administration first proposed legislation to slow global warming and avert a catastrophic future.

The media, under political and economic pressure, continues to avoid the most important issue in this election - bearing on the very future of humanity. 

What can be done? 
  • Help elect a President and members of Congress that are on record as recognizing that human activity is the main driver of this crisis and 
  • that reducing warming gas emissions as quickly as possible is the most urgent priority for the new Administration and Congress in 2017.

Scientists have been writing and speaking out for public consumption from 1993 on. Other citizens can help raise the profile of the issue in many ways (for example, contacting their local media outlets) but during this active campaigning period we can also ask candidates to explain their positions in the public campaign forums

Specifically, why are the Republican candidates rejecting the worldwide scientific consensus? 

Since 1975, the worldwide scientific community has been collecting more and more evidence that the world is warming primarily because of or long use of coal, oil, and gas.
Paris Agreement - representatives of 195 countries
Among advanced industrial nations, the United States is the ONLY nation not recognizing the continuously accumulating scientific evidence that we are on the verge of runaway global warming that will threaten the very survival of humanity. The 2016 election is our chance – our hope – to slow global warming enough so that humanity can adapt to the negative impacts that warming brings with minimum catastrophic impact. 

We can all be active in the campaign:
  1. by voting
  2. try to educate others 
  3. help increase voter registration 
  4. help increase voter turnout 

Everyone can help protect the future for our children, grandchildren...

...this is no time for complacency.


Voto LatinoVote 411,  I Will Vote, OR Rock the Vote where you can even get email reminders when its time to vote!

Please REGISTER 2 VOTE NOW - before DEADLINES! (State by state deadlines)

Voting as a felon or ex-offender: Yes, felons CAN vote but it is determined state by state. Here is a list showing if felons & ex-offenders can vote in a particular state. Easy read & helpful!

Help a Congressional district gain a Democratic seat: Use my website Global Warming and the 2016 Legacy to see a list showing where Democrats can gain House seats. The list includes the district locations. You can help a district even if you do not live in that district.

REALITY: 3rd Party Votes=Trump Votes!

Never EVER Trump!

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