Monday, July 11, 2016

What kind of future does humanity face?

Runaway Global Warming, Politics, & Our Future

Since the Republican Party leadership and the U. S. media, as well, give little importance to the increasing of global warming and actually denies/ignores its existence, it is all the more important to reach any and all who will listen to the scientific community about the urgency of avoiding runaway global warming.

Runaway global warming means that whatever humanity does:

  1. It will no longer be able to slow the pace of warming 
  2. The world will not have time to adapt with less harm to humanity from the many changes brought by increased warming
And those changes include
Drought stricken soy bean field.
– increased sea level rise, more frequent intense storms & flooding, greater droughts, more wildfires, increased food crop loss, fresh water loss, more widely spread disease carriers, increased human migration, increased conflicts, etc.

Bleached coral due to global warming - Great Barrier Reef
The science suggests that we are on the verge of runaway global warming. At the same time, the on-going research continues to yield findings that the earlier assumptions about the seriousness of the impacts of warming and about the contribution of positive feedback loops (increasing warming) were serious underestimates of the speed of change due to global warming.

So, the 2016 election is our hope that we can begin to implement policies that will slow global warming and permit adaption with less harm to humanity. 

In other words, whether the 2016 election will yield a Democratic Presidency and Congress that can make global warming slowing policies is the answer to WHAT KIND OF FUTURE HUMANITY FACES.

I ask that you please share this post with the hope that as it is shared, you can encourage others to join this fight for our very lives.

A fight against climate denial and inaction to slow global warming.

A fight on all levels of government: Federal, State, and local! All voices and votes are essential for a Democratic win! Thank you!

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