Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Youth Vote Critical to Democratic Victory

About the 2016 elections...The Congressional GOP majority must be replaced by Democrats - and we must elect a Democrat POTUS in order to make effective global warming and fiscal policies - and then be able to carry out these new, positive policies.

WE NEED OUR YOUTH! They are instrumental to the successful election of a Democratic POTUS and a Democratic majority in Congress!  How can you help with the 2016 election? Here are just a few ideas.
  1. If you are old enough to vote, register to vote if you haven't already done so.
  2. Groups: Create groups or join existing groups that support the Democratic candidate for President and/or for Congressional seats. Volunteer to assist with voter registration efforts, phone calls, polls, etc.
  3. Find elected officials through their Twitter accounts or doing a Google search.
  4. Help a Congressional district gain a Democratic seat: Use Ken Mazlen's website Global Warming and the 2016 Legacy or the Cook Political Report Race Ratings to see a list showing where Democrats can gain House seats. You can help a district even if you do not live in that district.
  5. Contact the League of Women Voters in your area. Find out how you can help register voters via a booth at local musical festivals or other events.
  6. Create your own voter registration event.
  7. Encourage online voter registration via Voto Latino, Vote 411,  I Will Vote, OR Rock the Vote where you can even get email reminders when its time to vote!
  8. Voting as a felon or ex-felon. Yes, felons can vote but it is determined state by state. Here is a list showing if felons & ex-felons can vote in a particular state. Easy read & helpful!
  9. Learn about the political process. Take it seriously because it is SERIOUS BUSINESS! Get out there and VOTE!

For events: Be sure to get local TV (or radio, newspaper) coverage prior to and day of these events highlighting your voter registration efforts with the date, time, and location, of course!

Don't be shy! Do what you can. Encourage others. Don't give up! 
We must ALL work TOGETHER!

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