Friday, May 27, 2016

GOP position on slowing global warming is obstructionist

The Republican Party position on slowing global warming has remained “obstructionist”, at least, from 1981 to the present. Over that period, the February Mauna Loa CO2 reading has increased from 340.51 ppm to 402.59 ppm bringing humanity closer to an irreversible, catastrophically harmful future. 

Thus, the Republican Party has knowingly put all future generations at an increasingly likely risk of extreme harm and death for the obvious benefit of the coal, oil, and natural gas corporations and related industries that are overwhelmingly owned by a few hundred immensely wealthy elite. (Recent studies have made clear that Exxon leadership knew as early as 1977 about the potential catastrophic danger of substantially increasing the level of atmospheric CO2.)

Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for President in the 2016 election, is on record  as regarding global warming as a hoax, does not offer on his official campaign site any policies for slowing climate change, and has claimed that it is “dumb” to regard global warming as the number one problem for the U.S.

 Hence, a Trump Presidency - or a Republican majority in the House - or a sufficient (more than 40) Republican minority in the Senate - stands for inaction or obstruction of polices to slow global warming.

In 2016, such behavior is unequivocally a crime against humanity. 

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